Features and Policy

Features and Policy

Spot Admission Is Available 24/7 365-Days

Fee Mode : Easy Installments

Office Located Centrally For Easy Access

Admissions Made Twice A Year - Academic And Calendar Year Streams

Regular Courses, Online Courses, Online Examination, Offline Examination, Flexibility Education Part Time.(Govt. of India approved as per the NEP 2020)

Those who want to study an additional degree may also do so.

We fulfill Your Dreams…

Hyderabad Students Help Line Number : 818 604 7777

Support Email : vijethamail@gmail.com

Since 2001 Onwards Dedicated Services On Distance Education Sector

Admissions Are In Progress

SSC, Intermediate, Degree & Post Graduation With All Subjects

All Courses Admissions Are In Progress

Call : 818 604 7777, 040 - 27705677
Email : Vijethamail@gmail.com

Our Features

The objective of Vijetha Academy is to promote, advance and disseminate knowledge through the open and distance learning system, in order to provide education, skill development and life long learning opportunities to all segments of the population from India and other countries, thereby enabling, development and growth of individuals, society and community at large.

Vijetha Academy is evolving the strategies to reach the door-steps of the students not only in the state of ANDHRA PRADESH but also in the other states. For this purpose, VIJETHA has established Administrative office at Habsiguda, Hyderabad. The Institution, shaping its students into disciplined young citizens of good character and culture lays emphasis on practical experience so as to enable them to secure employment in industry thereby to become entrepreneurs. A premier-league institution among the Hyderabad Distance Education Centers

Distance education provides you the freedom to study in any convenient location or place, as physical presence does not matter here like traditional classroom. Anybody from any age group can apply for online courses. Will power of learner does matter here than his age. People engaged in part-time or full-time job could complete the course as per their convenience. It can help you to continue with the job and improve your academics side by side. Vasavi Educational society is an organization that has been making vital contributions towards this goal. The continuing Endeavour of the academy is to carry on this relentless service, in the cause of education, into the future.

Distance education provides you the freedom to study in any convenient location or place, as physical presence does not matter here like traditional classroom. Anybody from any age group can apply for online courses. Will power of learner does matter here than his age. People engaged in part-time or full-time job could complete the course as per their convenience. It can help you to continue with the job and improve your academics side by side. Vasavi Educational society is an organization that has been making vital contributions towards this goal. The continuing Endeavour of the academy is to carry on this relentless service, in the cause of education, into the future.

Quality Policy

"Education without quality is like a flower without fragrance. It is our earnest resolve to strive towards imparting high standards of teaching, training and developing human resources."

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